How to throw a crazy fun pickleball birthday party!

Here’s what you’ll need:

A birthday crown made from a headband with pickleballs wired to it (birthday balloon optional)

A birthday sash

2 to 3 tutus depending on how many players you have


For the first half of the party, play some regular games.  Try to get the birthday gal to wear the sash, crown and tutu if possible.


Break for lunch and/or cake and/or a mimosa or two.

We had sandwiches with a salad and chips.  Birthday cake for dessert.


For the second half of the party, it’s all about having fun with silly pickleball games.

  1.  3 vs 3. Each person gets a serve.  The middle person can serve from either side TO either side and they don’t have to tell the other team which they’re going for!  If they win the serve, they move over to the next spot until they lose.

  2. Speed pickle.  Divide into two teams.  Each team stands in a straight line.  Player 1 has to gently hit it to player 2, who hits it to player 3, who hits it to player 4 and on down the line until the last person, then they have to go back up the line.  The first team to do 3 (or 5 or 10!?) complete rounds wins.  If anyone drops or bounces the ball, you have to start over.

  3. Dinking war.  Teams of two players stand across the net from each other.  Which team can keep the ball going (only one bounce allowed) for the longest?  If you mess up you you’re out.  The last team left standing/dinking is the winner.

  4. Pickleball tutu relay.  Teams divide up.  Player 1 puts on a tutu and must run the width of the court and around the net while bouncing the ball on her paddle. When she gets back to her team, she puts her ball and paddle down, removes her tutu, Player 2 puts the tutu on, grabs the ball and takes off around the net, bouncing the ball on her paddle as before. And so on until all players have taken their turns.  If any player drops the ball, they must go back to the beginning.

Carolyn Dilena

Born in England and raised in Hong Kong, Carolyn was introduced to pickleball by a fellow field hockey player.

Her favorite shot is the forehand smash.

Carolyn is a competitive, experienced tournament player.




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